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2020-05-21 04:34:21  174次浏览 次浏览
价 格:面议

You really want to do something, you don’t know what they will say, and you need or really want them to say yes


This category of ways to ask for permission are more assertive than the ones before. Instead of relying too much on what the other person might think of you, you are instead pushing them a little to go along with what you say. Most people will agree with you if you ask for permission using these sentences because they show that you are committed to the ideas already.


Unless they have a specific and strong reason to say no, you will likely get your way. However, this does not mean that people will be happy about agreeing, or that people will respect your authority. These questions are best used when you are the boss, or you are the one who should be making all the decisions.


I think I’m going to… Is that okay?


Saying that you think you are going to do something is a little gentler, and asking whether that would be okay is a great way to check what the other person will think of what you do. However, if you want to be more aggressive, you do not have to ask whether it is okay that you do something.




I think I’m going to take my car to the shop tomorrow morning and then ride the bus to work. Is that okay? /I think I’m going to take two weeks for vacation starting next Monday. Is that okay? /I think I’m going to buy this piece of art for our living room. Is that okay? /I believe I will… Okay?


Believing that you will do something is a little bit more assertive and sure than thinking that you will do something. Asking for permission this way shows that you pretty sure about what you want to do, and in some circumstances, may not actually care what the other person thinks. Sometimes, because of how sure you may sound about your decision, this question may come off as a little bit rude. To avoid this, make sure the okay that you ask at the end of the question doesn’t sound like it was added on just so you don’t sound rude.




I believe I will try to finish the project before I go to sleep. Okay? /I believe I will have more time to pick up the dry cleaning and stop by the grocery store tomorrow after work. Okay? /I believe I will be better off traveling to Japan and staying longer than trying to add in a trip to China or South Korea as well. Okay? /I will… Is that alright? (Or, is it alright to…)


Similar to the above, asking for permission in this way shows that you have already made up your mind. If you add Is that alright? At the end, it shows that you are a little bit more sensitive.




I will buy the cotton candy you want from the online store. Is that alright? /I will take out the trash tomorrow, so put the things that you don’t need in there before then. Is that alright? /I will be in New York City the second week of July. Is it alright to stay at your house during that time? /What would you say if I…?


Out of all the ways to ask permission in this blog post, this is the one that is the most assertive. While this question does not outright say that you will do what you are thinking of doing regardless of what the other person says, it does show that you have already strongly made up your mind in favor of whatever it is that you want to do. You likely will not change your mind, even if the other person has something important and useful to say. Instead of asking permission, sometimes this question is used to warm someone up to the idea of something that you have already done. If someone asks you this, you can be suspicious about whatever idea they ask you about.




What would you say if I sell my car and commit to using only rideshare apps when I need to get around? /What would you say if I dropped out of college to try out this idea that I have? /What would you say if I told you all that we would not be giving out Christmas bonuses this year because our company needs the money to invest somewhere else?


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