


  • 公司: 河北宏旭模具制造有限公司
  • 地址: 保定市莲池区后辛庄村
  • 联系: 王刚
  • 手机: 15720001423
  • 一键开店


2020-04-03 11:26:18  459次浏览 次浏览
价 格:235



The box type ecological slope protection mould is mainly used in coastal areas, but not all of them have been popularized. With the development of production technology of box type slope protection mould, the use time and shape of each mould have obvious progress. In addition to the box type slope protection, there are ladder type, tile type and so on. These are the current new types of ecological slope protection mold.

With the goal of national transmission of green ecology to basic urban construction, the sustainable development of ecological slope protection of rivers and mountains and sponge cities, a series of box type ecological slope protection molds and related water conservancy slope protection molds have been widely used. In particular, the current situation that urban river ecology has been damaged has prompted the domestic further increase of water conservancy slope protection planning. In the slope protection project without using the slope protection brick made by the box type ecological slope protection mold, because of a series of natural and man-made scours that are harmful to the slope protection construction, such as urban waterlogging, drainage, diversion, mountain road construction and illegal mining of ore, etc., it is urgent to renovate the cement concrete slope protection and mountain slope protection in the Urban Watercourse. In contrast, what kind of box type ecological slope protection mold is applied to the specific geographic location of slope protection, and the selection of a more targeted type of water conservancy slope protection mold can really create and guide the actual role of ecological slope protection.

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